
Philadelphia Medical Weight Loss

  • Medical Weight Loss

    Written by: Dr. M. Kenny – http://www.WakeUpSkinny.com/

    Medical weight loss is extremely effective for people who have a difficult time losing weight and for those who have tried all other weight loss programs like weight watchers, nutrisystem, etc... and still have not been able to lose weight.

    Medical weight loss programs are often times necessary for people who suffer from diabetes, hypertension and other medical conditions that actually can threaten a person's life and significant weight loss is the only way for them to stay alive let alone healthy.

    Most people who have a BMI Body Mass Index of 20% or more qualify for a medically supervised prescription weight loss program..

    On your first visit you will be examined by a Medical Doctor. The Doctor will perform a thorough medical evaluation as well as a detailed medical history and medication history. The Doctor will determine if you are a good candidate for this medical weight loss program. If you are accepted into the program the Doctor will prescribe an appetite suppressant medication that he feels will work the best for you at decreasing and suppressing your appetite and cravings.

  • How do I exercise for weight loss?

    You will then work with a trained specialist on developing an exercise program for you. Of course your current physical condition and any conditions like arthritis, back pain, sciatica, knee pain or ankle pain will be taken into consideration. Most people are started with a specific walking program with set goals for amount of time walked and your intensity level for the exercises. Usually your heart rate will be used to gauge your exercise intensity level. A good target heart rate for burning fat is between 65% AND 70% of your maximum heart rate.

  • What do I eat to lose weight?

    You will then work with a nutritional specialist who will work with you and develop a proper daily nutritional program for you. Any food allergies that you may have will be be taken into consideration in developing your weight loss program menu. Usually a 1200 calorie diet program is used. Sometimes in some cases an 800 calorie program may be recommended. Meal replacement programs like medifast use an 800 calorie diet. With medifast you usually will eat 5 medifast meals a day and one regular lean and green meal totaling 800 calories a day.

    In our Philadelphia medical weight loss program facility we will usually recommend a 1200 calorie diet. We will instruct our patients in the proper combination of food categories – proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Yes we do have our patients eating healthy and nutritious carbohydrates even bread. We have found that people who follow the high protein and low carbohydrate diets lose weight very quickly only to gain it all back when they start eating regular meals again. More often than not they actually gain more weight than they originally lost. Everything in moderation is a good motto for a valid and sound and effective weight loss program.

    It is only human nature that when you tell a person that they cannot eat something then they want it more. So if you are told not to eat bread you will only want it more.

    You should eat 5 small meals a day. Your 3 main meals should contain 2 to 4 ounces of lean protein and large portions of vegetables. For dessert your best choices are fresh fruit. Your other 2 meals should be a couple pieces of fruit or vegetables. The more vegetables and fruit you eat the skinnier you will be.

    Usually patients are seen once every 4 weeks. On these follow up visits usually your weight will be checked, your blood pressure will be taken and any necessary adjustments will be made.

  • How much weight can I expect to lose?

    Average weight loss for most medical weight loss patients is 2 – 5 pounds a week.

  • How can I find out more information about Medical Weight Loss?

    If you live in or near Philadelphia you can get more information about our Medical Weight Loss Program go to http://www.WakeUpSkinny.com


Phentermine Appetite Suppressant Medication

Phentermine is an appetite suppressant medication that is approved by the FDA. To my knowledge Phentermine is one of the oldest medication that is still currently used by weight loss doctors to help with appetite suppression. It is also one of the most commonly prescribed diet pills.

Phentermine works extremely well at decreasing your appetite and controlling cravings.

Common side effects include dry mouth and constipation.

Many Philadelphia Weight Loss Doctors prescribe Phentermine to assist their patients achieve weight loss.

Weight Loss in Phildelphia

Welcome to our web site. On this site we will be discussing the latest diet trends, weight loss products and supplements. We will also be heavy on the reality of these weight loss products and diets and will not hold back from offering criticism if it is indicated and praise if the products are good.

Of course please feel free to leave your on questions or comments and even recommendations for weight loss.